improve your fitness level by doing body-weight workouts.


If you're short on time or you're bored with your normal workout, try this three-move body-weight routine.

Although regular exercise is beneficial, it is not always possible to stick to a schedule or feel motivated. Sometimes you only have a short amount of time, feel uninspired, or need a quick burst of energy. In these situations, body-weight exercises can be helpful. These exercises do not require any equipment and can be done anywhere at any time. They also help improve everyday movements.

Muscle activation

Body-weight movements are advantageous because they utilize smaller stabilizing muscles that are often neglected when using gym machines or dumbbells. As the name suggests, stabilizer muscles stabilize larger muscles, allowing them to be more effective in their role. This can be helpful for everyday activities that need balance and stability, such as going up stairs, squatting, turning, and stretching.

The following routine consists of push-ups, lunges, and a plank pose, which hit the major muscles. It only takes 15 minutes to complete and only requires body-weight exercises. To complete one circuit, do eight push-ups, eight lunges on each side, and a plank pose for 15 to 30 seconds. Rest for a minute and then repeat the circuit two more times, resting in between each circuit.


Start in a plank position with your arms extended and your palms flat on the ground. Your feet should be together or about 12 inches apart. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

To do the move, lower your body until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. If you need a break, you can go down to the floor. Once you've done that, push back up to complete one rep. Keep the following tips in mind:

- Keep your head aligned with your spine. - Hold your core tight. - Don't bend at the hips.

To make this exercise easier, do a modified version from a hands-and-knee position. You can also do inclined push-ups, which are easier on your wrists and shoulders.

To make this exercise harder, slow your tempo and take two to three seconds to go down and one second to go up.


Stand up straight with your right foot one to two feet in front of your left foot. Bend your knees and lower your torso until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your hands on your hips or place them on your knee for stability. Hold, then return to the starting position. Finish all eight reps, then repeat with your left foot forward. This completes one set.


Start in a low plank position with your hands and feet on the ground, directly under your shoulders and hips. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and slowly walk your hands forward. Lower your upper body onto your forearms, then clasp your hands and align your shoulders directly over your elbows. Raise your knees off the floor so your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet, and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. To make this exercise easier, you can start from a push-up position with your arms extended.

If you have back pain or other back issues, you can modify the plank by doing it on your knees, or by leaning against a counter with your body at a 45° angle. To make this exercise harder, you can try alternating leg lifts while you hold the plank, raising one leg for a second or two and then repeating with the other leg.

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